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Product:  Domestic Turkey Washed Out Barred Secondary Wing Feathers (grade #2) - 1 dozen

Washed Out Barred Turkey Secondary Wing Feathers Various Sizes (gr #2) - 1 dz


A barred feather (from a domestic bronze turkey) refers to a specific feather on the secondary wing that has a pattern of dark and light bars or stripes across its width. Washed out (stripes/bars not as defined) refers to the faded look due to environmental factors affecting the turkey resulting in a salt/pepper look. These feathers will contain contain minor flaws. Since they don't meet the criteria of a grade #1 product, we reduce the price and present them as a grade #2 product.


These feathers are valued not only for their natural beauty but also for their practical uses in various crafts and hobbies as well as arrow fletchings, fly tying, and native american items.

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